Why Choose Raunak as your Lifetime Financial Adviser ?

Throughout the last 10 years, I’ve been fortunate enough to earn a reputation for being one of the most ‘Trustworthy’ financial consultant in UAE which is rare specially in our financial services industry. The interests of my clients are always my first priority, and I go above and beyond to make sure they get the desired results they need.

Below are few of my strengths and achievements



I understand it is difficult to give even one percent of your hard-earned money to someone else for managing it which is why you should always look for an adviser who has the right financial acumen for taking the best financial decisions on your behalf. I am sure you would agree, when we go to a doctor or a lawyer, we trust in their advice and therefore we never hesitate to share our confidential details with them based on which they are able to guide us. I love to work with clients who trust me and in my advice which is why this is the first criteria for me to work with someone. At the same time, I refrain to work with clients who might hesitate to share their personal financial details with me as I would prefer not to give wrong advice to someone based on an incomplete data.

Love Your Family

I’m sure everyone would say “ I Love my Family ” but if you really do, ask yourself – Do you need me to convince you that your spouse and children would need money to survive in case you don’t wake up tomorrow or you need to save for your children’s higher education or you need to start saving early for your retirement ? If you are looking up to me as someone, who would convince and motivate you that all of the above are important then you don’t need me as your financial adviser, instead you first need a life coach. I enjoy working with clients who know that financial planning is really important for their loved one’s future because end of the day whatever you plan today it will be for your family’s future. So, if you don’t love your family, I would find it difficult to on-board you as my client.

Are you a planner or an executor?

Planning doesn’t help until you finally decide to execute them. Do you know according to a renowned author and motivational speaker “ Brian Tracy ” one of the five reasons why most of the people don’t become wealthy is Procrastination.

You can read this interesting blog here – 5 Reasons Why Most Don’t Become Wealthy.

Therefore, if you are someone who believes in planning a lot instead of taking small steps to execute those financial plans, we may not be on the same page. It is as simple as – If you ever consult a doctor but post his recommendation never take his prescribed medicines, it is not going to help you. Hence, I do not enjoy working with clients who spend most of their time in doing research and then never move to the next stage of execution because that eventually adds up to their own delay cost.

Window Shoppers

Are you someone who loves to shop-around for cheaper financial solutions instead of right financial advice then I may not be your preferred financial adviser ? If cost of a financial product is the only criteria which you look at while opting for a financial solution then your best financial adviser would be – Mr. Google.

I don’t focus on recommending the cheapest plans to my clients nor I’m am convinced with the theory which says what’s expensive is always the best rather I believe one should always opt for a plan which is regulated, globally portable and value for money, when it comes to safeguarding your financial future. I have met a lot of clients in the last decade who lost their entire capital while saving a few cents on the transactional costs because they ended-up investing in a wrong financial solution or through an unregulated provider.

So don’t be ‘ Penny Wise Pound Foolish ‘ with your hard-earned money.


Would you like to work along with a life coach or personal trainer whose vision does not matches with your vision ? I sometimes come across interesting individuals who want maximum returns on their investment in the shortest possible time horizon by taking no risk at all and paying the minimum fees. If that is what you are also looking for, let me apologize to you in advance and remind you that you landed on the wrong website. I would like to reiterate that I am a financial adviser and not a magician. There is no shortcut to make quick money and financial planning is all about putting a disciplined investment strategies in place. As I am passionate about helping all my clients achieve their dreams through goal-based financial planning, Therefore I prefer to work with only those like-minded clients who are on the same page with me when it comes to planning for their future.